Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Big hype for this Pizza Hut show that is going down this Saturday at the Pizza Hut in Middletown, NJ. Cities & Years with Back and Forth and Civeta Dei. The place is going to be pack, i am a bit concerned about stuff breaking though. I dont want B-Lowe to end up getting fired because we had a crazy show in Pizza Hut. There are plans for the next six weekends for more bands to play. This show should set the bar as to what is going to go down.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Unearth - Watch it burn [2011]

C.A = O.J

So by now we all know that if we ever need to commit murder and tell lies so the jury will believe us and send us home free, we can all move to Florida. Seriously though I get they didnt have exact solid evidence point blame on her but look at all the morals that were broken. Shes out partying when her daughter is missing, shes lying to police about people that dont exist, the computer searches that prove what was looked up on her computer over 80 times. The jury cant just sweep that under the mat. The fact that the body was stuffed in a bag and left on the side of the road is no accident. No family finds a child dead and then makes it look like a murder, it only makes things worse. But here is the big thing, shes free and she still doesnt care as to who killed her child. She never once asked for justice for her kid, shes just happy she got off scott free. Now if she didnt actually kill her then who did? Here is what I think happened...Casey went out with friends while her parents said they would watch her. Casey kept calling to find out where the baby was and how she was doing and the parents just told her shes fine shes with our "babysitter". Now mean while Casey's dad neglected to keep an eye on the child and went with his mistress. The child then climbed in the pool and drowned, Casey's dad comes home to find the child and they freak out. Casey finally comes home and is finally told what happened and because of Casey's fucked up childhood her parents convince her to make up a well thought out story. 30 days after the child is dead they report a missing person, by this time Casey's dad had already drove the body out of town and disposed of it to make it seem like a kidnapper killed it. Casey goes through numerous lies because her parents force her to and at the end of it Casey gets let off free. But now when the verdict was given Casey's parents walked out of the court room...but why? was it because they had a plan to protect themselves and have Casey take the fall? or is it because now the finger can point on them for neglecting the child. One day justice will be served.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Casey Anthony's trial for the murder of her daughter is now officially over. The court's closing and final say as to what happens to Casey will be said in court on Sunday July 3rd at 9:00am on In Session.

Summer '11

I thought leaving my house would be easier than this, but in reality it just sucks. I wont be moving far from my friends, least not until August. Since I'll be living with one of my best friends everything will be fine. In August when I leave for school, thats when things will suck. Sure I want to go, but then again I dont want to leave my friends and my music career behind. Of course I'm going to school for music, I just wish I could take all my friends with me.I thought that hopefully after going to Brookdale CC I would be on tour or having a lot more shows, But everything has gone on a holt because of certain line up changes and style changes. Whatever its only 40 min. away and I do have a car, not like I cant ever practice or play shows. Its only for two years anyway, shouldn't be so bad. But July 4th is the last event ever in my house. It's going to be so sad to leave but its a night that needs to be remembered. I guess thats just how life rolls in the end.


Probably the best year ever and maybe the only good year for music. Back then it was all about being different with music, now its either Pop-Rap-"Hardcore"-Indie. Nothing ever stands out, it really all sounds the same. So in memory of 1999..I give you this...
