Saturday, February 26, 2011

D.R.U.G.S & AP Tour

Announced at the signing at Hot Topic, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows says they will be playing a 35 minute set. This isn't long at all for a band who just released an album. But they had also said that with in two weeks they will have announced if they are playing Vans Warped Tour or not. As far as the UNRELEASED track goes, it has been said that it is not Ghost Town. D.R.U.G.S does not know which song they will release but this only means that they have plenty of songs up their sleeves.(Curbside Au dio)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Enter Shikari Studio Diary #1 2011


Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows Album D.R.U.G.S has become a big success within the first day it was released. It climbed up to being #1 on iTunes. Pretty much the whole album is full of hits and shows how much of a wide variety the band has. From Heavy to nice catchy parts. One song on the album, The Only Thing You Talk About, was actually recorded with Craig in Chiodos under the title Thermacare. Since Craig owns the rights to the song, in spite of Chiodos and how much the song fits better with D.R.U.G.S, he took it and put it on their album. Craig also had a few things to say over Twitter about the Jonny Craig scam, claiming "and thats why there wont be another I&G Album." All around the album is a great, D.R.U.G.S starts up the AP tour in March.

3-18 Dallas, TX (House of Blues)

3-19 Austin TX (Emo’s – FREE SXSW Show)

3-20 Houston, TX (Warehouse Live)

3-22 Flagstaff, AZ (Orpheum Theater)

3-23 Los Angeles, CA (House of Blues)

3-24 Pomona, CA (The Glasshouse)

3-25 San Diego, CA (House of Blues)

3-26 Las Vegas, NV (Extreme Thing Festival)

3-27 San Francisco, CA (The Regency Ballroom)

3-29 Portland, OR (Hawthorne Theatre)

3-30 Seattle, WA (El Corazon)

4-01 Salt Lake City, UT (The Complex)

4-02 Denver, CO (Summit Music Hall)

4-03 Lawrence, KS (Granada Theater)

4-05 Minneapolis, MN (The Cabooze)

4-06 Milwaukee, WI (The Rave)

4-07 Chicago, IL (Mojoes)

4-08 Grand Rapids, MI (The Intersection)

4-09 Detroit, MI (St. Andrews Hall)

4-10 Toronto, ON (Phoenix Theater)

4-12 Montreal, QC (Club Soda)

4-13 Boston, MA (Paradise)

4-14 New Haven, CT (Toad’s Place)

4-15 New York, NY (Gramercy Theater)

4-16 Philadelphia, PA (Theatre of Living Arts)

4-17 Washington, DC (9:30 Club)

4-19 Norfolk, VA (The NorVa)

4-20 Charlotte, NC (Amos’ Southend)

4-21 Atlanta, GA (Masquerade)

4-22 Tampa, FL (State Theater)

4-23 Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Culture Room)

4-25 Orlando, FL (Beacham Theater)

4-27 Nashville, TN (Rocketown)

4-28 Louisville, KY (Expo Five)

4-29 Pittsburgh, PA (Altar Bar)

4-30 Buffalo, NY (Club Infinity)

5-03 Albany, NY (Northern Lights)

5-04 Poughkeepsie, NY (The Chance)

5-05 Allentown, PA (Crocodile Rock)

5-06 Cleveland, OH (House of Blues)

Jon Mess Talks About Jonny's Scam

MEB: When did you first become aware of the alleged scamming? Has anything like this happened in the past to your knowledge?

Mess: The only thing I have really reflected on is how exciting it is to know someone who now has 20+ memes. I’ve always loved a well done meme, and the combination of actually knowing the person is just satirical gold. Honestly, a comedic gem I will forever cherish.

MEB: Have you spoken to Jonny since the accusations? If so, did he speak of them?

Mess: Jonny and I talk through Skype with the sound turned off. We have both been learning sign language recently and “mac book” is a sign neither of us know.

MEB: Do you think the events that are unfolding are an accurate depiction of Jonny Craig as a human being?

Mess: There is no accurate depiction of Jonny Craig that could ever be conceived.

MEB: How does this affect the band? Have you discussed the situation with the other members yet?

Mess: Some kids told me they won’t buy the record, this is unfortunate for everyone involved with the band, besides the band.

MEB: Based on some of the article comments that we have received, are you worried about the potential negative backlash at shows?

Mess: If you attempt to beat up Jonny Craig at a show on our tour, I will be in a secure and hidden location filming with an HD camcorder and a boom mic. I have also always dreamed of having a highly successful YouTube video.

MEB: We’ve received several personal accounts detailing Jonny’s drug use. Stories of him bringing people into the studio to score pills, and other such things. Has this always been going on? How ridiculous has it gotten?

Mess: I’m not gonna start telling tales because I think the real question people need to be asking is, does Jonny Craig have enough ridiculous stories that can be compiled to fill an entire movie or documentary, and would I watch it? The answer is yes, and it will cost $19.95.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Not what you thought

People always don't seem like they person they really are. Its like they put on an act to impress you when really its only hurting the both of you. You'll soon start to enjoy being around this person for they way they try to act not for who they really are, thats why most of the time people hate it when they find out the truth. Plus no one likes liars. Its amazing how people are able to disguise themselves. They are usually refereed to as Catfish because of their appearance. Actual catfish have whiskers and a different face from all the other fish, but to people who can see past all the whiskers they are just another fish. Someone people can see past these lies while others end up falling victim to it. Whether it be a friend or boy/girl friend when it comes to Catfish the relationship between the two of you never lasts long. But people don't have to start out as Catfish, they can alway turn into one. Completely acting a different way and losing the person you once knew and replacing it for another. Sure they still act and think they are the same person but you know more than anyone that they have completely changed. Catfish isn't someone you want around cause if you cant trust them to be themselves around you how can you trust them with anything.

May 2011

Death Cab For Cutie said to release a new album in May 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Born This Way

Everyone has been anxious since Lady GaGa announced her new album at the MTV VMA's. After only singing a little bit of her soon to be single Born This Way, everyones been dying to her the new GaGa. Early yesterday every radio station i turned on i found her new hit song Born This Way. It must have been played every other song cause it was on about every ten minutes. The song is very retro and is a not as dreadful sounding as Lady GaGa's The Fame. It should be the layout of what is expected from the rest of her album but who know's , when it comes to GaGa anything is possible. Weeks before the song was going to be played on the radio, people all over Twitter were begging GaGa to leak her album. Though there was no direct answer, you can find her album online after a while of searching. Lady GaGa will once again change Pop music as we know it and set high stakes for other artist's of her genre.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day of Z

Warm weather is moving in and that can only mean one thing...Zombies are coming. It might sound crazy but its the least unexpected thing. Think about it, everyone seems to relate tragic accidents and scary events with terrible weather, when really it can happen anytime. Those of you who are zombie fanatics like i am have probably already read The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. If you haven't then you most definitely should. People who are unaware of the dangers and Nonbelievers of the Zombie Apocalypse are usually the ones regretting their decisions. Even basic knowledge from Zombie Land the movie or Call Of Duty: World at War would help with combating the living dead. It is not unlikely that a disease or parasitic virus could take over the body shutting down every organ but leaving the brain stem active and dormant then reactivating it forcing your lifeless body to feed on the living. Of course everyone knows how to kill the zombies, shooting them in the brain. But people forget that they feel no pain and lighting them on fire only causes flaming zombies. Obviously safety is the number one priority so you would need to go to a safe location. Not only does it have to be safe but it has to have access to food. Food stores are a good source of food but not a good source for weapons or shelter as windows are usually everywhere. A mega store like Costco, BJ's, or even Wal*mart are the best places to go. But if your not already there, how are you going to get there. Best way traveled is by car, and not just any old car but a Jeep. Jeep's have the best protection and are able to travel at a fast speed also conquering any terrain in its path. There is a science when it comes to the Apocalypse, you cant run in there head first an act like you know what your doing. It doesn't end with books and movies, AMC has released its new series The Walking Dead. Based off the graphic novel, it shows exactly what can happen during a Zombie Apocalypse and how to make a living through it. But the shows first season only lasted 6 episodes and is said not to air again until Fall 2011. People need to start preparing for this or else if something does happen by 12/21/12 and zombies do come, people are fucked.

Monday, February 7, 2011


So Packers won, big deal. Still has no effect on my life only that it gave me a reason to have people over. The real big event is the puppy bowl. Super bowl may not effect me in anyway but there has been some big changes lately that may effect what life will be like soon. My best friend Anna has two work and she is there till the end of February. This is a problem cause now that place is going to be a insanely hostile environment. On a brighter note my drummer Andrea from Cities&Years is gonna be coming to Party Fair. Which is great cause then i still have a best friend there and we could easily work on new music when we work. Some big confusion with romance has been drifting back and forth. I hope it just gets settled. No one loves being in the confused position. Also going to be moving to NYC whether it be at the end of summer or by winter its happening. Finally have come to the realization that my family is officially crazy. I always had this doubt that maybe they aren't but now i think that they completely are and they've been trapped in that house for way to long. I'll probably end up being crazy myself, so in that case my crazy self says Steelers won last night. they deserved it anyway.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Novel American

As everyone knows Ex-Paramore members, Josh Farro (guitar) and his brother Zac (drums), had left Paramore for personal reasons. What you may not know is what their future plans were. Josh announced he has started a new band called Novel American which he says is influenced by Radiohead and Jimmy Eat World. The new band consists of friends from highschool, former members of Cecil Adora. Novel American is said to be recording an EP and playing local shows in Nashville. Josh says he just wants to put the drama from Paramore behind him. "I don’t think it’s wrong to disagree with someone, so, um, yeah, I just wish them the best in the future, and I really don’t want to make it this huge drama thing, because then it becomes this huge war, and I don’t want to dwell on that. I’m more excited about the future and this new band.” (AP/Brokenoise)

...That's What Life's All About

Thinking back to this summer really makes me miss The Number 12 Looks Like You. They have such a unique style and really stressed NJ Mathcore. News about them coming out with a another live dvd from their last show has been floating around but no set date yet. They set the foundation of my summer simply in the song The Gardens All Nighters. Lyrics of this song say exactly what i do with my friends. Endless drives, Hanging out at QuickChek, late night beach walks, all of this was exactly what i did in my summer. Just the time i spend with my close friends means so much to me that i never want to let that go. Recently two people have past away from my town and it just sucks to know that those kids were "kids" and that can happen to anyone at anytime. We all think we are invincible and nothing can hurt us till it does. There is one person i care so much about i wouldn't know what to do if i lost her. She's by my side every step of the way threw my life and knows me like the back of my hand. She can hate me for the rest of time but i will always care for her. Everyone i care for because we all are All Nighters. You only get one chance in this world to do what you want, to live it up and to love every second of it. If your not happy in the position your in, then free your self and be who you want to be. Whether its playing music, being and artist, or helping people through life. Do what makes you happy. In the end of the day music controls my life and if i die before stepping foot on stage at least i was happy building my life to that point. In side we are all Gardeners. Respect, Live, Love.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


As you may or may not know, StrikeGently, a website dedicated for leaks and information on music, was seized. Many of you may have also realized that Limewire, a file sharing program, was also seized. Both of which was ordered by the RIAA. RIAA controls and regulates what is shared of the internet over time, such as illegal downloading of music. Most of the time if it is a small website you will be warned and forced to take off all links leading to free music, otherwise you will be penalized for not doing so. Brokenoise tumblr, which a majority of my information based around music is found, was notified a while back before this year about having links for free music. The site no longer posts direct links to music downloading. StrikeGently, sadly was seized and now is a dead link. This does not mean that this is the end of pirated music. Its always going to be around its just going to be harder to look for. Whether it was a smart move for the RIAA to take the site down is your personal opinion. Pirating music is always looked as this evil thing cause your stealing money from the companies. But artists only get a max of 18% of the sales. The majority goes to the Label and the Recording process. If you really want to support an artist, go see them live. They get paid more then they ever will by CD sales.

Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - My Swagger Has A First Name