Monday, February 7, 2011


So Packers won, big deal. Still has no effect on my life only that it gave me a reason to have people over. The real big event is the puppy bowl. Super bowl may not effect me in anyway but there has been some big changes lately that may effect what life will be like soon. My best friend Anna has two work and she is there till the end of February. This is a problem cause now that place is going to be a insanely hostile environment. On a brighter note my drummer Andrea from Cities&Years is gonna be coming to Party Fair. Which is great cause then i still have a best friend there and we could easily work on new music when we work. Some big confusion with romance has been drifting back and forth. I hope it just gets settled. No one loves being in the confused position. Also going to be moving to NYC whether it be at the end of summer or by winter its happening. Finally have come to the realization that my family is officially crazy. I always had this doubt that maybe they aren't but now i think that they completely are and they've been trapped in that house for way to long. I'll probably end up being crazy myself, so in that case my crazy self says Steelers won last night. they deserved it anyway.

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