Sunday, March 27, 2011


More news on D.R.U.G.S, Besides the show in NYC being sold out completely, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows has released a new song "The Holly Situation." It relates a lot to the D.R.U.G.S album. Yet another catchy single.

I Set My Friends On Fire - "It Comes Naturally"

We All Know, We All Know By Now..

People are so into themselves, i think they do it subconsciously. Seeing everyday people actually disgusts me since they have no respect for anyone else. Random people can be so gracious to strangers, little things like holding the door open or helping them. But these people who receive this are so ungrateful. That one thing that sets me over the edge because i try so hard to be nice to everyone, but of course no one ever accepts it. A few people on my list have actually taken advantage of my kindness, one of them being my friends Dean and Tom. I've been hanging around them a lot lately and they have honestly been awesome. I've been jamming with them a lot and they are my dudes. We wanna bring back Myspace. Those were the good old days, when you could add people you didn't know, post bulletins and do pic 4 pics. If you never loved those days, you weren't awesome. Of course Facebook is more acceptable for everyone but you can personalize. I miss the days when you could have banners and moving objects all over your page. Now its just pictures of kids with red cups and girls trying to show some skin. Of course scene girls owned Myspace and now all the Indie kids own Facebook. This is exactly the problem though, one scene leaves and another walks itself right on in. The ones who don't care about anything are usually the best ones. The are usually the nicest and don't try to impress everyone. Thats the one problem with people today, they care only about themselves and don't even try to be nice or anything. Why cant everyone just show respect. Either way, i know who my friends are....That Your The Only Thing You Talk About.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cat Scratch Fever

My dog gets his ass kicked everyday from my cat. When will he learn his lesson...i honestly have no idea. Thats actually not the point at all either, im talking about people never learning lessons. Most of the time people will screw things up in a relationship and never learn their lesson from it. like the term once a cheater always a cheater. Now i know im not one to speak but there is no logical reasoning for anyone to do that but it happens. Everyone always uses white lies to get themselves out of shitty situations, but one lie can lead to another and build up like a snow ball effect. This whole thing is because no ones is ever right in a relationship and no matter what lying is lying. Once again, i know i shouldnt talk but my experience with this has made me more aware of what the outcomes are in a relationship. Not to throw anyone under a bus but guys really wouldnt freak out if girls werent so nasty or suspicious or just down right annoying. No matter what girls usually are nasty 90% percent of their day, Especially to other girls. Girls can stay mad at each other for months, and its usually for no logical reason. When guys are mad at each other they usually just forget about it and hang out an hour later. This is why there is usually such a clash in relationships. Girls love to stay mad and Guys just want to get it over with. That doesnt mean guys are in the clear though. Every guy gets pissed so easily and usually just thinks with its other head and ends up screwing things up. But its not always the guys fault for that. Girls are like blood sucking vampires with afro's ready to chain you down and cut off your balls, while men are helpless women getting hypnotised by the vampires love. If they both of them just compromise then everything will be okay. Sometimes alls it takes is a little kindness from girls here or there. Its all about respect and if you give it you will get it. RESPECT.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Within The Ruins has said to release their EP, Omen by April 2011. The album will include two new songs and two cover songs, Fight fire with fire by Metallica, and Carry on my wayward son by Kansas. As far as the two new songs, they will be performed at Names Mean Nothing Tour alongside CARNIFEX, Oceano, and The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza.
(via AP)


So everyone knows Charlie Sheen has officially lost his mind. Honestly i think its hilarious, especially since he always claims he's winning. I dont know what he thinks he's winning at but its just ridiculous how much drugs he does. The fact that his kids had to be taken away from him is nuts too, like Sheen you have to be that crazy. I would love to party with him, he'd be the most craziest guy at a party. He has inspired me to come up with a new idea for lent. From now on im signing my name as Darth Vader just because him signing Tigerblood is out of control. Lent sucks so far, starting this whole diet thing was a terrible idea. I've been starving for the most unhealthy food but i gotta actually work on the "summer bod". I could always just take crazy drugs like Sheen does and maybe ill be skinny, loose my mind, and end up living with pornstars. Sheen has gotten a million followers in one day, breaking a world record. If that doesnt scream he's the man then i dont know what does. I think following him on Twitter was the best decision i made this year because every single tweet by him makes my day. Actually he should inspire everyone to just live life and not care about anything, and just let life work its course cause life is just too stress full.

Charlie Sheen Bi-Winning Dubstep

Monday, March 7, 2011

In The Studio

More news on Civeta Dei's EP, said to be released within the next two weeks. All the songs have been recorded and are just going through the final mixing process. Also my new side project xDUBxSTEPx will have a demo that will be attached to Civeta Dei's EP. Anyone who gets the actual cd will get my new side project. More news on Cities & Years, not Cities and Years. Turns out Cities and Years is a Popcore band that has been opening for major shows around Missouri. Though there name is labeled as City And Years. Enough of that band, the actual Cities & Years is recording with a member of the MixTape on Tuesday. They are only doing one song and they aren't speaking of which one. Apparently if all goes well then it is said Cities & Years will continue to record 3 more songs, one of them being there cover of Whip My Hair. As for all three of these bands, none of them have shows posted yet.

I See Stars - The End Of The World Party *OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO*

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fight Off Your Demons

Its strange how life acts. It seems like life wears a mask around you when really life is something you don't know. It can take someone away from you at anytime and then you now have to conquer a new path. Life is not just something you control, It controls your every move. Your own predetermined path can get changed but only by your own decisions. Life doesn't like when things don't go It's way. Lately I've been doing just that, fighting off my demons. Over coming the consequences or struggles that come my way. Life isn't your friend and when you know It's not your friend it throws even harder challenges your way. We all think we are invincible until death finds us. Its the most struggling thing we go throw in life is death. Its these struggles that make us strong, even though we break down and feel powerless once we look at the big picture of all issues we have over come then you see how strong you are. Life is just a constant struggle, no one has it easy but only a few can actually live through it. No matter how hard life gets just remember there is always better things that follow. Within this past year my town has lost over 6 kids due to inconvenient situations. Its sad to see someone pass away roughly the same age as you, knowing it could be you or your best friend. The only thing you can do is not take life for granted, though it hurts you and crushes your spirit. Live life to the fullest and conquer every challenge. Because everybody dies, but not everybody lives.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just Radnom Shit

So as everyone already heard, Jonny Craig has been kicked off tour and gone into rehab. So far this year has not been a good one with him. Hopefully this does not delay DTBM2 and DGD playing warped tour. Most people may say that Jonny Craig is a dick and for the most part, he is. But most of your close friends you soon find out are dicks or asshole. What ever the case they fuck you in the end. As of right now i have found i only have 3 close friends. Thats it and im glad i have them. BUT we cant hang out with just ourselves, we need to find other friends. So hopefully people come our way and we will be able to spend summer with them. Yes it is true i will be moving to NYC after the summer, so if you dont want to loose contact with me completely then dont stop talking to me or start talking again, cause i will probably just end up dropping you if you dont. Finally going to SAE for audio engineering for about a year then NYU if I dont end up going on tour by then. Speaking of music Civeta Dei is coming out with their EP hopefully set to release in the end of spring. Keep an ear out for that and Support Local Hardcore.