Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cat Scratch Fever

My dog gets his ass kicked everyday from my cat. When will he learn his lesson...i honestly have no idea. Thats actually not the point at all either, im talking about people never learning lessons. Most of the time people will screw things up in a relationship and never learn their lesson from it. like the term once a cheater always a cheater. Now i know im not one to speak but there is no logical reasoning for anyone to do that but it happens. Everyone always uses white lies to get themselves out of shitty situations, but one lie can lead to another and build up like a snow ball effect. This whole thing is because no ones is ever right in a relationship and no matter what lying is lying. Once again, i know i shouldnt talk but my experience with this has made me more aware of what the outcomes are in a relationship. Not to throw anyone under a bus but guys really wouldnt freak out if girls werent so nasty or suspicious or just down right annoying. No matter what girls usually are nasty 90% percent of their day, Especially to other girls. Girls can stay mad at each other for months, and its usually for no logical reason. When guys are mad at each other they usually just forget about it and hang out an hour later. This is why there is usually such a clash in relationships. Girls love to stay mad and Guys just want to get it over with. That doesnt mean guys are in the clear though. Every guy gets pissed so easily and usually just thinks with its other head and ends up screwing things up. But its not always the guys fault for that. Girls are like blood sucking vampires with afro's ready to chain you down and cut off your balls, while men are helpless women getting hypnotised by the vampires love. If they both of them just compromise then everything will be okay. Sometimes alls it takes is a little kindness from girls here or there. Its all about respect and if you give it you will get it. RESPECT.

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