Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fight Off Your Demons

Its strange how life acts. It seems like life wears a mask around you when really life is something you don't know. It can take someone away from you at anytime and then you now have to conquer a new path. Life is not just something you control, It controls your every move. Your own predetermined path can get changed but only by your own decisions. Life doesn't like when things don't go It's way. Lately I've been doing just that, fighting off my demons. Over coming the consequences or struggles that come my way. Life isn't your friend and when you know It's not your friend it throws even harder challenges your way. We all think we are invincible until death finds us. Its the most struggling thing we go throw in life is death. Its these struggles that make us strong, even though we break down and feel powerless once we look at the big picture of all issues we have over come then you see how strong you are. Life is just a constant struggle, no one has it easy but only a few can actually live through it. No matter how hard life gets just remember there is always better things that follow. Within this past year my town has lost over 6 kids due to inconvenient situations. Its sad to see someone pass away roughly the same age as you, knowing it could be you or your best friend. The only thing you can do is not take life for granted, though it hurts you and crushes your spirit. Live life to the fullest and conquer every challenge. Because everybody dies, but not everybody lives.

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