Thursday, May 19, 2011

I've Got Something To Say


Why We Hate You

Girls are great. There are so many out there and most of them aren't even attractive. Of course the cutest, hottest, most beautiful girls, the ones you would die for but they all have boyfriends. You just get so pissed cause their boyfriend probably doesnt even like you he just wants to fuck you. Then theres the ones who are hot, no boyfriend, and you dont know why. Until you get with them, then you realize they are the biggest fucking sluts, hoes, bitches they can ever be. Truth of the matter is they are all like that. Sluts are the main cause of Bitch. You see, Bitch is just as much of a disease as Slut is. Not every girl is has the Bitch disorder, most of the time they have a right to be mad at things. But the Slut disease causes the Bitch disorder. If girls weren't so God damn slutty then they wouldn't have Bitch disorder. all Bitch disorder does is drag you down, break your soul, and make you not trust any girl ever again, just like Slut disease. As for the girls with boyfriends, they are just Dumb Bitches. Its one thing when you know the boyfriend and you know he's worth them being together, but when its some scum bag tool than you honestly know that she is a Dumb Bitch cause she can easily be with you.

So just to clear things up for you; Girls are fucking amazing, Dumb Bitches, Bitches, And Sluts should just go fuck themselves on their own islands.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

(Fuck Everything Man) Thats What My Conscious Said

I dont care what you think of me, who you think I am or what im trying to do. This is me and this is my life, if your not in it then your probably the reason. I love everyone thats in my life right now, you may not agree but they are all beautiful. They are the ones I love. What I do with my life doesnt concern you, I dont need to tell you how to live your life so stay out of mine. These people have heart, these people have dreams, and these people fucking feel whats real. We dont need judgement and we dont need pain. To live and love is all I ask because we arent invincible, we dont live forever. Dont take us for granted because life is a roller coast and the screws are falling out and when the tracks snap there is no coming back. Hate isnt worth losing a life. I dont care if you hate me or hate my friends because in the end of the day I respect you for what you do. I dont post judgement over your flaws or put your ideals to shame. You are an inspiration for others, you teach subconsciously and unconsciously on who not to be in life. My friends, the ones I love are the only thing I have, they see past the lies and are always there through tough times. You cant take that love away, ever.

I Can Save My Money, But I Cant Save Me

The big question of all is where have I been? Apparently I've been missing from everyones life and let me tell you it sure does feel like it. Summer has already began yet it feels like I lost contact with everyone. Truth is I lost myself. I dont know who I am anymore. Just another self centered asshole who feeds off pain and suffering, least thats what it feels like. The person I am is always who I will be and i know some people cant stand that statement but I think its time to come to the realization that I will always be this way, no good, worthless asshole.I may be hard on my self right now but when all fingers point at you, who do I point to? Lately my family has had a shit tone of problems. My mom and my step dad pretty much have nothing good going for them. They cant support them selves or their kids and the constant fighting needs to end. Some how I become the center of their argument. With my family having no money this kinda leaves me in a shadow where my medical is screwed. Theres a lot of things medically that I need and my family can no longer afford it, causing me to use medicine sparingly. My apologies for not following through with plans with anyone I break them with. Just dont start accusing me and becoming rude because I need to put my family first. The people I have met over the past year have been fucking amazing to me. Even someone my new friends who I may have met within the past six months. Every single one of them are awesome and I enjoy them in my life. Nothing will compare to the one person I want to meet though, my father. I never met him before. I just want to know if he will ever like me, but sometimes I dont give a fuck so he's probably just like me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


What is this shit i hear that we are all gonna die on May 21st of this year, some possible Judgement Day. God is suppose to choose who he wants with him in heaven and by doing so, May 21st he's going to come take those with him and the rest of us will just rot in hell (Earth) until it ends (12/21/12). This is a scam if i ever heard one. First of all some dude is just putting up signs about this and churches all over are paying him to put these signs up and funding his crazy ideas. Just because someone twisted the words around in the bible to make it seem like Judgement Day is in a two weeks doesn't mean that this guy is right. This is like big news apparently. First the Royal Wedding from the Britt's, then America had to out do that and kill Osama, Now Catholics need some spot light so they are promoting Judgement Day. Sure makes sense Osama is dead, we are waiting for a retaliation but you don't need to say that its may 21st. I haven't even gone to real college yet or even think about enjoying my Summer. Half my friends haven't screwed all the celebrities they have wanted to screw. If May 21st is real then fine nothing I can do about it, just stop promoting this shit. You know people are getting way to into this and they are gonna freak when its the 21st. People get so wrapped up in religion its crazy. But to be on the safe side, everyone should go out and do what they gotta go. Fuck some people, Make some money, Buy somethings, and love each other.

May Dei

Civeta Dei's EP is said to release sometime before the Summer begins. Featuring their single, "29 and Counting" Civeta Dei is excited for this album. But as Dei practices more they soon begin to write new songs to add on to this album. Talk about making another EP this Summer has been going around and creating a actual full length. Civeta Dei does have shows lined up for the Summer and a possible tour, but no dates have been released yet. One show Civeta Dei will be co-heading with BACK AND FORTH is the Pizza Hut Show inside the Pizza Hut in Middletown, NJ. No date is listed but a few bands have been put on the ballet such as; Tom Lake's Acoustic Performance, Cities & Years, and possibly The Mixtape. The show is said to happen sometime around the end of June.

C&Y New:

Cities & Years has been changing up a few things lately. If you haven't heard, their three song EP has been put on hold for lack of recording. No one has been able to get into the studio, let alone contact their recording engineer. With one song left to record, Cities & Years has decided to take a different approach on things. Andrea will not be playing drums anymore, she is not out of the band but she is now playing Keys/Synth and Rhythm guitar. Anthony is still playing bass but no word on who is to play drums yet. This is also putting a hold on shows for Cities & Years but the writing process is in full effect.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dumb Sluts

(almost) Summer

Since Summer is right around the corner I have decide to make my own acoustic project. Since every acoustic project has always failed with me, this time i will be taking a different approach. It wont be your typical "she broke my heart (slash) I love you" songs. It's going to be more based apon "I hate you" & random songs about the zombie apocalypse. Piss me off and I'll gladly right a song about dismantling your body parts. Lately I have been dying to just carry around my acoustic and my Uke to play random songs to people as they walk by. Even cover these dumbass pop songs that come on the radio. Though I wont be playing any official shows or even thinking about recording any of my songs cause I am strickly doing this out of fun.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I Need a Doctor - Eminem ft. Dr. Dre & Skylar Grey (Cover by @KarminMusic)

6 Foot 7 Foot - Lil Wayne ft. Cory Gunz (Cover by @KarminMusic)

Written in the Stars - Tinie Tempah (Cover by @KarminMusic)

Zombie Laden

So Osama Bin Laden is finally dead. America is rallying all over and of course people are upset in the middle east. I dont think people realize that they aren't upset because he's dead, they are upset because now someone new will come into power and try to take over the rest of their country. Everyone who is mad that we killed him do you not realize how many people he killed? Sure he probably should have been put on trial and in jail but he did cause 9/11. Put yourself in someones who lost their loved one in 9/11's shoes, they have been hurt and now this is just closure to them. Sure its barbaric to just kill him but he was old as hell, and he was gonna die sooner or later. Now the country should be worried if we will even live to see tomorrow. This is going to spark a war beyond anyones belief and we could possibly be bombed. Its a scary thought but its possible, to think that you may wake up to the sounds of war is not something to look forward to. America isn't just going to let them come in and bomb us though. the American security is probably going to be highly enforced and soon no one maybe aloud to enter this country. Just when the gossip about the royal wedding started to pick up, America had to go ahead and become the bride of every wedding and the corpse of every funeral.