Wednesday, May 11, 2011


What is this shit i hear that we are all gonna die on May 21st of this year, some possible Judgement Day. God is suppose to choose who he wants with him in heaven and by doing so, May 21st he's going to come take those with him and the rest of us will just rot in hell (Earth) until it ends (12/21/12). This is a scam if i ever heard one. First of all some dude is just putting up signs about this and churches all over are paying him to put these signs up and funding his crazy ideas. Just because someone twisted the words around in the bible to make it seem like Judgement Day is in a two weeks doesn't mean that this guy is right. This is like big news apparently. First the Royal Wedding from the Britt's, then America had to out do that and kill Osama, Now Catholics need some spot light so they are promoting Judgement Day. Sure makes sense Osama is dead, we are waiting for a retaliation but you don't need to say that its may 21st. I haven't even gone to real college yet or even think about enjoying my Summer. Half my friends haven't screwed all the celebrities they have wanted to screw. If May 21st is real then fine nothing I can do about it, just stop promoting this shit. You know people are getting way to into this and they are gonna freak when its the 21st. People get so wrapped up in religion its crazy. But to be on the safe side, everyone should go out and do what they gotta go. Fuck some people, Make some money, Buy somethings, and love each other.

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