Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fall in Love.

At this point i am convinced no one really falls in love, they just know everything about one person and actually love who they are. Truth be told though, love is take in two different aspects. I love you, to a friend is a totally different meaning than, i love you, to a boy/girl friend. Everyone should know that by now, but leading someone on to love is the most hurtful thing anyone could do. When someone gives you there everything and you just through it out the window it just shows how you feel about them, how you dont love them...you just like them. This is all just babbling so I can get to my actual point. Splitting up is never a good feeling but to just completely drop them because you have a boyfriend or girlfriend now is even worse. What, just cause you have one single person in your life you think you no longer need the people that will always be there for you. That, im sorry to say, but that is not love. You dont go ahead and drop people just cause you met this quote, wonderful person that you love so much, end quote. There are rules to relationships obviously, and the major one being never say i love you to early. How early is to early? Like the first few months of actual dating. People seem to wear their hearts on their sleeves so much these days. I feel like everyone is desperate for that one person who will want to be with them forever. Sadly, in the world we live in...no one wants to be in love forever. You'd be lucky to find someone who even wants to be in love. People cant stay committed, yeah its hipocritical to say but its true. Another thing to, why must you change your image. Its fake and no one likes fakers. It's acting and people see acting as a form of lying. If you can act, you're probably a really good lier. Be you're self and express it and dont let anyone hold you back. No one can love you more than you love yourself. All the time i hear, I hate my self. Why say that when you know you dont? Hate is such a strong word and no matter how much someone pisses me off i can never say i hate them. I love everyone that enters my life because i know that there is a reason why they entered it. Be your self, Fall in Love.

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