Sunday, April 17, 2011

In Dedication To My Pop-Pop

The loneliest day of my life has come back again. The day i lost my pop-pop, my grandpa, my best friend. He was pretty much a father to me and my closest friend ever and no one got between us. April seventeenth two thousand nine was the day my life changed forever. I havent been the same person since then. I never realized how much i would miss him as my life carried on. But it never feels like he never left. I still feel him and still hear his motorcycle pass my house. I feel like he gives me signs to know he's here and tries to help me through life still after he's gone. I've spent almost everyday of my life with him and to have him taken from me just shocked me. He was the last person i would have thought to die. Hit by an elder woman cutting through a yellow light, hit him and instantly killed him as he was thrown from his motorcycle. I try not to vision what exactly happened, but i cant help to think about him every day. I can go on and on about how i miss him and how much this hurts me, but i just need to remember everything he's ever done for me and how happy he's made me. He will never be forgotten because he is always with me. I love you pop-pop forever. Ride In Peace.

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