Thursday, April 21, 2011

Give Me The Creeps

One of my biggest fears is loosing people i consider close to me. Don't go run off and hate me for no reason, act immature about it, and not even talk to me about. It's a little childish and thats what gets under my skin. I don't understand why we cant just talk things over or even talk about why you hate me. Nope people like that don't like to talk. They are quicker to throw you away than they are to friend you. It's like i meant shit to you, well thats just great, have fun in your life. This is exactly why i try to keep a few close friends, cause once you break the trust bond or step out of a friend zone with me then we are no longer on the same level again. Its stupid I know, just it saves me the trouble of being upset over someone who i could have seen a friendship ending. People come and go in my life, but my true friends will always stay here forever, probably even long after death. I think i have too much hope in the afterlife and contacting the dead. Always searching for my lost friends just so i have hope that they are really there. I've been Ghost Hunting lately. Its when you go and try to make contact with ghost of course. There are so many skeptics and they say you'll never believe until you actually see it. Well its true you wont, I have experienced it. Many ghostly encounters right after my grandpa died; I was in the garage cleaning out his car when this old scroll dial phone rang. I froze there wondering if I should answer or not. Finally it stopped so I went upstairs to ask my aunt Tayler who called, she responded with a what. I asked again who called and she said Tristan, pop pop doesn't have a working house phone he got rid of it two years ago. I then remembered that i have never heard that phone rang in the longest time. Chills ran up my spin, so we bolted down the stairs only to hear the phone ringing again. This time I answer. The only sound I hear is this crackling out of tune sound, so i hang up. A few days later me and my mother return to the house. I start to tell her the story and the phone rings again. Like the last time I answer it, only this time it was different. I still hear the crackling sound but faintly I hear a woman looking for someone. She said she belonged to a bank right on the corner of these two cross streets in Trenton. I told her I didn't know who she was looking for so I hung up. I had told my mom what the woman said, or at least what I can make out of it. My mom then told me that the bank the woman spoke of was on the corner of where my grandpa had died in Trenton. Ever since that moment i was convinced he was calling. The phone never rang before that week or ever again after that. Just goes to show i have better luck keeping friends that are dead, rather than the ones that are alive.

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