Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Why do i hate the human race so much? Probably because no one has respect for anyone any more. People go about life not even acknowledging the fact that someone has done them a favor. People who dont even respond to you when you tell them to have a nice day. What have people become now in days? Just because someone doesnt fit your social expectations doesnt mean you can go about disrespecting them or people with needs and disabilities. Those people are thankful for life and love every second of it. Other people go about their day not even remembering the nice person at the cash register. People need to realize that life can end just like that and no one is excluded from that. You should really value life and respect anyone you see. Even if they dont respect you, the fact that you know you did something right will still feel good. Sure everyone can be mean sometimes but no one said you had to be mean all the time. Hate only leads to bad things and bad outcomes. Carma will really come back to bite you. Its something you should do not be forced to do, but dont go around being an asshole to people just cause your in a bad mood. Learn some respect.

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