Friday, January 28, 2011

Secret Band/Breakfast Time - 3/11 Mix (2011)

Secret Band/Breakfast Time? Not said exactly what the name of the actual band is or the names of the actual tracks are but these two were posted on Joshua Tree Recordings Soundcloud just about a month or so ago. Only knowledge of this band that i know is that its a side project with all DGD members except Jonny Craig, but Jonathan Mess is doing vocals. Both track names and band name could change but that is all i know at this time.
Secret Band/Breakfast Time - Discovery Track 2

Make Me Famous - Make It Precious

How did the name come about?
Nick Martin (guitar): “We spent months thinking while we were writing. We had this massive whiteboard full of band names and ideas. Anything and everything made the list. It was like we had to let it happen… we were sending demos to management and [producer] John Feldmann and Craig put ‘DRUGS’ on one of the titles so it would pop up in iTunes as a joke. A few days later all of our team started calling us that. We ran with it.”
Craig Owens (vocals): “There was a point where we dove in and accepted it.”
Nick: “We knew it would be intense for some people, and it’s intense for us – it was hard to come to terms with it – but that was what turned us on about it. The music turns heads, so the band name should as well.”
Craig: “The acronym came because I didn’t want to accept just ‘DRUGS’ – I thought there was more to it. We sat down and thought of our situation and what it is we’re trying to convey and all of us had had everything basically destroyed either by our own hands or someone else’s. We all talked about it and realised it’s a great metaphor for life, society, economies, relationships, and it hits home. The reason we went with ‘God’ was because we wanted to go with an archetype that everyone would relate to that was the most epic.”

A Piece of Jon Mess' Interview About DGD

Jonny set tongues wagging earlier this month when he tweeted he was taking a break from music, then said later he’d only tour. Is he even still in the band right now?
He is. When we heard about that, we thought it was hilarious, just because he knew he was being overdramatic. He got into some argument with that rapper Mod Sun [aka Derek Smith, formerly drummer of Four Letter Lie] which basically means Jonny’s whole solo album is on hold, mainly because Jonny was using Derek’s studio, and then they got into some argument and stopped recording. Jonny, just being himself, decided that since he’d been doing so much work and touring and whatever, that he needed to quit music. A day later he calmed down and realized he wasn’tquitting music.

Once during recording [DBM II], when he was fucked up, he told me he was quitting music and moving to Russia. You can’t take anything he says that seriously. That’s why we thought it was so funny, because all these kids were freaking out. He wrote, “All my CDs are cancelled,” but Craig [Ericson, label head] at Rise informed him that he in fact does not own his music, and you can’t just cancel a CD right before it comes out. So that was pretty funny, and he’d already finished all his vocals anyway. He’s still doing the tours as far as we know, and he says he’s gonna announce something after that, but I don’t really know what that means.

You tweeted in response: “Jonny has quit music to pursue the filming of his documentary I’m still here 2 bitch.” Were you legitimately pissed?
I was just making fun of him, because I’d seen that documentary with Joaquin Phoenix, I’m Still Here, and I just thought if he had made his own documentary based off that, Johnny would quit music to become a rapper, and it’d be like, I’m Still Here Too, Bitch! It was just me saying, “You’re full of shit, stop being a dramatic little baby.” Then he hit me up a day later and said, “That wasn’t cool man. That’s not funny,” but I said, “I thought it was hilarious.”

It sounds like you’ve found a way to cope.
People are like, “[Jonny’s] such an asshole,” but they need to look at him as entertainment, because that’s what he is: an entertainer, a singer. You can also be entertained by his crazy antics by not letting them affect you. He was really funny during the recording, just loud and silly.

That said, you admitted DGD’s future pretty much hinges on whether or not this lineup implodes again. Isn’t that kind of unsettling?
I think that it depends; you’d have to ask each member in the band. We started that whole Secret Band thing—me, Eric [Lodge], Will and Matt, who’ve all been friends since we were 15—so obviously if Dance Gavin Dance didn’t work out, we could continue that band. I know that Will’s gonna continue to make music; he’s probably going to release a rap album. Matt might either go into the industry as a tour manager or go and do session drum work for other bands. Everyone has girlfriends, Eric has an economics degree, Will’s a professional video editor, which earns him a lotmore money than the band does, so everyone has fallback, but that’s just in the event of a disaster.

I don’t think anyone wants to see the band end, but it definitely would be a very strange to replace Johnny again. It’s too hard to speculate, so we’ll go with the flow. People are expecting us to break up at some point, and we have five albums, so that’s a pretty decent body of work, I guess. It wouldn’t be an absolute tragedy.

Also Check out- The Robot With Human Hair Pt. 2 1/2

Rise From The Ashes Part 2

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bottle It Up

I soon learned that i think i need to let out my emotions sometimes. Everything that happens in my life gets bottled up and hidden from everyone else to see. I use to think it was fro the best of me but i think it needs to change. Turns out i've been telling myself i have been happy when i really haven't at all. Its like i was tricking myself in hopes that my force of action would actually make me believe it. Truth is that i haven't. Sure my friends make me happy and i love when people want to be friends with me but i think the problem is that i haven't found a happy medium between myself being and other people in my life. Other people can cheer each other up without any problems, its just ten times harder to find out what actually makes you happy. I have tried to talk to people but i don't think anyone see's it as serious as i do. It's like im completely depressed. The one thing that really sets me over the edge when i try to talk to someone about it is when they ask if it was something they did, am i not happy with them. Its not about them its about me. This is all personal being and i just ask for help to find a settlement so im not so upset. I think its the stress that takes hold of me and drains me. I probably stress 85% of my day about what is going to happen to how and if i do something that will cause this. Its like im constantly on egg shells and i cant stop. My main concern is the people that make me happy. If they go then what do i have...nothing.
Pop F'N Punk Tour '11

Snow Apocalypse 3

Just when everyone thought it would starts again. Its sad how much i track the weather but i like to prepare myself for this. Took me hours to finally get my car out of this mess and i ended up getting stuck on my way to the Verizon store. When finally getting there i find out they cant even help me with my problem. Just my luck right, well it gets better. Work wasn't cancelled today so of course everyone needs to go to the party store when it snows. On top of that ended up getting into a pointless argument with someone who is too self centered. Yes its been a rough two days but it will get better. As if trapping myself in my room for the past two weeks wasn't enough it has to snow leaving me stuck inside when i actually want to be out. I swear this time ill loose my mind if i continuously watch the Travel channel and all its vacation get away resorts. I guess one up side to this weather is that my classes for the day were cancelled so i can just waste my day away until work decides to slave me.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Single from DGD Found on
Sounds just like Old DGD also sets the foundation for the new album..just an even more tease

It Feels Like 20 Below..

Winter is just getting colder and cold. While at school i found my hands actually turning blue from walking on campus. Almost went to all my classes except oceanography which i have Tuesday's. Lately i've been obsessed with watching Man v.s Food and Ghost Adventures on the Travel network. They are probably my top favorite shows on right now. God only knows when The Walking Dead is coming back on. So always i've been deathly busy but i have been trying to make the best of it. Its actually snow again Tuesday which isn't a surprise. I've been waiting for this snow storm to come and i have been dreading it. Besides all this, the Jets taking a big loss last night which is very sad. Whats even sadder than that is the fact that watching my dog hump a stuffed bear all night was ten times more exciting than watching that foot ball game. My dog needs to get laid...badly. Hes been humping things left and right, there just isn't any stopping him. As for super bowl i'll probably be having a super bowl fiesta, mainly for the commercials. Two things that must happen February, my dog needs to get laid...and the Steelers better win.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Very random, no idea what exactly. Kinda mix of everything...ish


01) If You Think This Song is About You, It Probably Is
02) The Only Thing You Talk About
03) Graveyard Dancing
04) Mr. Owl Ate My Metal Worm
05) Sex Life
06) Laminated E.T. Animal
07) Stop Reading, Start Doing Pushups
08) I’m the Rehab, You’re the Drugs
09) I’m Here to Take the Sky
10) The Hangman
11) My Swagger Has a First Name
12) A Little Kiss and Tell (Bonus Track


1. Spooks
2. Pounce Bounce
3. The Robot with Human Hair Pt.2 1/2
4. Thug City
5. Need Money
6. Elder Goose
7. Heat Seeking Ghost Of Sex
8. Blue Dream
9. Privilously Poncheezied
10. Swan Soup
11. Purple Reign
12. People You Knew - Bonus/Track Hot Topic Exclusive
13. Perfect - Bonus Track/Hot Topic Exclusive

Social Life= GONE

Finally started up classes today and so far so good. Radio class is gonna let me make my own radio show and see how it actually works so ill probably play actual music instead of whatever 90.5 plays. My hours at work are ridiculous now, i work everyday. Besides that my time in the studio has been paying off, instead of planning on two new songs, Cities&Years actually came out with three new ones. Hopefully going to get into recording a full length within the next few months after school tapers off. I'm so happy i have a friend for my Thursdays that i'm school so i don't waste away 2 hours of my life sitting around. Anna is seriously the sweetest girl i know, she may be creeped out how happy i actually am happy to have her in my life but its all good. Other people need to learn to stop stressing out and assuming things when they aren't true. We all know people love drama but they don't need to drag it around with them. Between school, practice, and work i may never have anytime to actually hang out...but i will make an effort. Just some of my friends are becoming lowlifes, stealing girlfriends and make no effort toward a future. Those are the one i don't want to be associated with. When i have free time i actually want to spend it with the people i love, cause they are the only ones that matter. Enjoy life, you live it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Finally writing new music with Cities&Years. Its been a long day between working getting ready for practice. What is with this slush and rain all day? I was actually hoping for snow so my shoes wouldn't get soaked and turn my toes to ice. Besides the weather i this day has been pretty good but its been dragging. Haven't had much time to even blog because school has been coming up. But about this new music... definitely going to try to get a sneak peak out there by tonight but we will also be at the studio tomorrow too. As of right now just waiting for Andrea to set up her drums and combine ideas together. Anthony isn't here for some strange reason but its not a big deal he'll get the songs down tight. Follow Cities&Years on Twitter, @Cities_Years to get the scoop.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Darth Vader

Today is Darth Vader's birthday. James Earl Jones who did the voice for Darth Vader was born this day 1931. Star Wars is probably my favorite movie series of all time. I might as well be obsessed with it. I try so hard to have a Star Wars marathon but no one ever wants to watch all of them with me. I'm just way to into it. Roxanne has never seen Star Wars and she's the only girl that has been willing to actually watch it with me. I doubt she'll be able to watch all of them though. To be honest i would probably still play with the toys if someone got them for me thats how sad it is. I've even seen the remastered versions in order from episode 4 to 6 back to back in the movie theater. I even read the books and there are so many of them. Call me crazy but that is my obsession.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Jonny Craig posted last night on Twitter that he will be cancelling his CD's and going on hiatus. As of right now no one knows exactly why but he will be putting up the reason on his blog today. It has become such a big surprise to everyone especially since he had just put out a new track just a few nights ago. Now there is question if he will even be touring with Dance Gavin Dance during warped tour '11. I guess we will all have to wait till he posts on his blog to find out all the answers.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Posted By WE WANT DOWNTOWN BATTLE MOUNTAIN 2 on Wednesday is a track titled 3-11 by "Secret Band Song on Joshua Tree Recording on Soundcloud. Its not DGD but its definitely John Mess doing the vocals. The Page also says this release is for April of 2011, check it out for more info.

Drinking Champagne From a Paper Cup

Seems like my house has become the designated drinking spot. Sure i don't mind cause i love parties, but no one else seems to offer their place. Usually my parties are monthly and themed, but the last one i had was just to get rid of all the alcohol i had left over from new years. Of course i will still continue to have parties since everyone else is too scared to have it at their place, we have to have a place to drink right? So why not my place. Just expected next party to be themed, i just have to think of one first. Its not the parties that are the problem, its my dog Bentley. No he is not named after Teen Mom, a show that displays how kids can get pregnant and become famous from their stupid childish minds. I named him after the car because it shows wealth and smoothness. Since he is a boxer i thought this was appropriate because of his smooth coat and the confidence he shows by puffing out his chest. Little did i know that my dog would become a rape machine. He hopes everyone that walks through my door, mainly men. When he doesn't what he wants he flips out and growls and cries. It becomes a big problem when everyone is defenseless and drunk. So in your journey to my party just remember someone is always going to take advantage of you while your drunk. Maybe my theme will be female dogs, so its not so weird when my dog is raping you and for shits we can upload it to a pornsite for those people will sick fetishes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rise From The Ashes Part 1

Pudding Pops

Theo and the pudding pops..BOO TOO DOOOOO.... Kodak film will be around for ever....with the hippin and the hoppin..Gotta love Bill Cosby and especially the Cosby show. I think that show is so funny just because Bill Cosby is weird as hell in it. So what he may be racist but i could laugh at him all day. Him and Nigel Thornberry are probably top two on the piss my pants list. Everyone i know recites a line from Bill Cosby and once it starts it never ends. At the Beginning of my day this is what is going to spark the whole day to be Billy Cosby references.

What A Day..

Work was slow as usual but at least i got to hangout with everyone all night. Decided to prank xm radio stations and get them to talk about Al Roker's dick. Just when it seems like you've done everything in this town new things pop up. Tonight Jonny Craig released a sick track that was very well produced and completely out of his element. Just shows how good he is if he can pull that off. A lot of work needs to be done this weekened. Need to work on new Cities&Years material before recording the album. Civeta Dei practice later on in the after noon, seems like its gonna be a long day tomorrow. Thank god no work tomorrow so i can actually work on what i love most, music. Now if only Roxanne wasn't such a downer and stopped complaining about how hungry she was i can get on black op's hahah. Love her to death, even though she tries to steal my dog. Hopefully tomorrow is a good day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

...29 and counting

So im really pumped for this weekend because my one band, Civeta Dei, is playing at the Stone Pony for the break contest to see who gets to play bamboozle. I don't even wanna win i just love playing shows. Though i would much rather a basement show, playing at the pony is good too. Just last weekend my other band, Cities & Years, played a show at Zebu cafe in Freehold. The whole place was packed and i thank everyone who showed up there. Thought now we are taking a break from shows so we can finish writing and record out album. As far as Civeta Dei goes, after the break contest we are going to be recording our EP in early February so make sure you keep your ears open for that. So if anyone wants to go support local music or if your really into southern hardcore than come check out Civeta Dei on Sunday January 16,2011 at the Stone Pony around 4:00 pm we will be going on.
Dave Chappelle

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows self titled releases February 22,2011. With Craig Owens, Ex Vocals for Chiodos, and Matt Good, Guitarist of From First To Last you know the album is going to be a big deal. So far the two songs released have shown musical progression and a different sound from every band that is out there today. I am overly excited for this album but not as much as i am for this tour. I could careless for every band except for D.R.U.G.S and Versaemerge.

3-18 Dallas, TX (House of Blues)

3-19 Austin TX (Emo’s – FREE SXSW Show)

3-20 Houston, TX (Warehouse Live)

3-22 Flagstaff, AZ (Orpheum Theater)

3-23 Los Angeles, CA (House of Blues)

3-24 Pomona, CA (The Glasshouse)

3-25 San Diego, CA (House of Blues)

3-26 Las Vegas, NV (Extreme Thing Festival)

3-27 San Francisco, CA (The Regency Ballroom)

3-29 Portland, OR (Hawthorne Theatre)

3-30 Seattle, WA (El Corazon)

4-01 Salt Lake City, UT (The Complex)

4-02 Denver, CO (Summit Music Hall)

4-03 Lawrence, KS (Granada Theater)

4-05 Minneapolis, MN (The Cabooze)

4-06 Milwaukee, WI (The Rave)

4-07 Chicago, IL (Mojoes)

4-08 Grand Rapids, MI (The Intersection)

4-09 Detroit, MI (St. Andrews Hall)

4-10 Toronto, ON (Phoenix Theater)

4-12 Montreal, QC (Club Soda)

4-13 Boston, MA (Paradise)

4-14 New Haven, CT (Toad’s Place)

4-15 New York, NY (Gramercy Theater)

4-16 Philadelphia, PA (Theatre of Living Arts)

4-17 Washington, DC (9:30 Club)

4-19 Norfolk, VA (The NorVa)

4-20 Charlotte, NC (Amos’ Southend)

4-21 Atlanta, GA (Masquerade)

4-22 Tampa, FL (State Theater)

4-23 Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Culture Room)

4-25 Orlando, FL (Beacham Theater)

4-27 Nashville, TN (Rocketown)

4-28 Louisville, KY (Expo Five)

4-29 Pittsburgh, PA (Altar Bar)

4-30 Buffalo, NY (Club Infinity)

5-03 Albany, NY (Northern Lights)

5-04 Poughkeepsie, NY (The Chance)

5-05 Allentown, PA (Crocodile Rock)

5-06 Cleveland, OH (House of Blues)

If This Is Worth My Time Than I'll Be Here For A While..

...If this is worth your while than your making me smile. I think its safe to say that i love every person that is in my life. I think about how much each person makes me happy. Today i really took a step back and thought about how my life is because of them. I think how my life would be if i didn't meet this certain someone, how much of a change things would be. But then i also think of the dark side of it, losing them. I've become so close to them because i love them and if i were to loose someone i don't know if i could handle that. After recently loosing two people that were so close to me i now find myself not being able to get sleep because i constantly think the worst and how i need to be there when something goes wrong. It sounds crazy but i'm just so afraid to sleep. It gets so bad that my mind begins to race and i start thinking about people i don't talk to anymore and how they still impacted my life and how i feel like i could protect them from any danger. Growing up thinking know one really cared for me except for my grandparents made me so uneasy to make friends. Now i actually have something more than friends, i have people that love me. The fact that everyone thinks they are invincible and that this wont happen to me, its just scary because it can happen to you. My friends are what i have to live for. They are worth my time and they will forever lay in my heart.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Apocalypse Day 1:

Didn't think this snow would actually be this much. Snowed in with a few friends and i think everyone has already gotten cabin fever. Few went outside to have a cigarette and they have been hearing weird noises and seeing shadows. Who knows whats going to happen either way ghost adventures is on and im watching it all night. Everyone is starting to beat the crap out of each other and its getting out of hand. Day two may be a blood bath, just as long as Heather keeps her dirty hands off of me I wont have to lay the law down. Im praying work decides to not call me in for the morning shift, even if they did im probably not even going in. All shame goes out the window at two o' clock in the morning. Some of us are getting way to comfortable with their sexuality. Sure enough watching Emma Stone in Easy A would pass some time. My odd love for red heads is starting to rub off on the rest of my friends. Gingers may not have souls but they have my heart. Hopefully sleeping tonight wont be so bad just as long as everyone stops dropping their cigarettes. In the perfect world it snows forever.

We Came As Romans - Full Set! Live in HD

You Cant Beat Them....

....Don't join them. Sure there are similarities between girls and zombies. A major one being that they do eat your brain turning you lifeless and just when they have got what they wanted they leave you to rot in your own pool of disgust. On the other hand no one wants to date a corpse. This is how girls lure you in, showing you their fun attractive self then they turn into the brain nomming zombie that they are. Oh you can try to fight off their thirst for brains but they will nag you till they have you right where they want you. I say this as a warning but not all girls are like this. Out there some where is someone for everyone, someone that wont break you or mold you into what makes them happy. Love isn't about making a girl happy, its the emotion you feel when your with them. I know that theres one girl out there that makes me happy and she doesn't even know it. She doesn't try hard at all but the things she does make me smile inside. Who knows maybe she is a rotting corpse on the inside, you'll never know until its too late. Just remember that not every girl is fake but then again you'll never be able to tell. Find what makes you happy but when they start to eat your brain, you cant beat them.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tour dates for Of Mice & Men. Up coming album to be released summer 2011 with their original vocalist Austin Carlile. I Set My Friends On Fire has been completely changing their new album and adding new members. The show in NYC on April 2 is a must go to get the feel of both bands and their new line up changes. I'm gonna have to find people who willing to take the train ride up, you wouldnt wanna miss it.

March 7 – Eagles Lodge – Wichita, KS

March 8 – The Marquee – Tulsa, OK

March 10 – Chain Reaction – Anaheim, CA

March 11 – Soma Sidestage – San Diego, CA

March 12 – Nile Theatre – Mesa, AZ

March 13 – Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM

March 15 – White Rabbit – San Antonio, TX

March 21 – The Studio @ Warehouse Live – Houston, TX

March 22 – Downtown Music Hall – Little Rock, AR

March 23 – Rocketown – Nashville, TN

March 25 – Rocketown – Pompano Beach, FL

March 26 – The Social – Orlando, FL

March 27 – State Theatre – St. Petersburg, FL

March 29 – The Masquerade – Atlanta, GA

March 30 – The Canal Club – Richmond, VA

March 31 – The Ottobar – Baltimore, MD-

April 1 – First Unitarian Church – Philadelphia, PA

April 2 – Gramercy Theater – New York, NY

April 3 – The Palladium Upstairs – Worcester, MA

April 5 – Xtreme Wheels – Buffalo, NY

April 6 – Altar Bar – Pittsburgh, PA

April 7 – The Eagle Theater – Pontiac, MI

April 8 – Peabody’s – Cleveland, OH

April 9 – The Bottom Lounge – Chicago, IL

April 10 – Triple Rock Social Club – Minneapolis, MN

April 12 – The Marquis Theatre – Denver, CO

April 13 – Club Sound – Salt Lake City, UT

April 15 – The Boardwalk – Orangevale, CA

April 16 – Key Club – West Hollywood, CA


Maybe thats what Antwan Dodson saw that sparked his fame. I just heard about this mythical creature just the other night and to my surprise a few of my friends are actually terrified of it. Slender man, who has long arms and tentacle like limbs on its back, is said to haunt children and haunt the ones who fear it. So of course knowing my friends we poke fun at this by making a soundtrack to an epic battle scene we all thought of. Listening to this while we drive and purposely winning at the 'Get Lost Game' never gets old. I'm just waiting for the day i come home late one night only to be followed by Slender Man himself. I wouldn't be surprised either i'd actually thank him for choosing me out of all the people in the world. But i doubt it, New Jersey already has one mythical creature and with all the Quickchek's and Benny's there is no room for Slender Man.