Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You Cant Beat Them....

....Don't join them. Sure there are similarities between girls and zombies. A major one being that they do eat your brain turning you lifeless and just when they have got what they wanted they leave you to rot in your own pool of disgust. On the other hand no one wants to date a corpse. This is how girls lure you in, showing you their fun attractive self then they turn into the brain nomming zombie that they are. Oh you can try to fight off their thirst for brains but they will nag you till they have you right where they want you. I say this as a warning but not all girls are like this. Out there some where is someone for everyone, someone that wont break you or mold you into what makes them happy. Love isn't about making a girl happy, its the emotion you feel when your with them. I know that theres one girl out there that makes me happy and she doesn't even know it. She doesn't try hard at all but the things she does make me smile inside. Who knows maybe she is a rotting corpse on the inside, you'll never know until its too late. Just remember that not every girl is fake but then again you'll never be able to tell. Find what makes you happy but when they start to eat your brain, you cant beat them.

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