Friday, January 28, 2011

How did the name come about?
Nick Martin (guitar): “We spent months thinking while we were writing. We had this massive whiteboard full of band names and ideas. Anything and everything made the list. It was like we had to let it happen… we were sending demos to management and [producer] John Feldmann and Craig put ‘DRUGS’ on one of the titles so it would pop up in iTunes as a joke. A few days later all of our team started calling us that. We ran with it.”
Craig Owens (vocals): “There was a point where we dove in and accepted it.”
Nick: “We knew it would be intense for some people, and it’s intense for us – it was hard to come to terms with it – but that was what turned us on about it. The music turns heads, so the band name should as well.”
Craig: “The acronym came because I didn’t want to accept just ‘DRUGS’ – I thought there was more to it. We sat down and thought of our situation and what it is we’re trying to convey and all of us had had everything basically destroyed either by our own hands or someone else’s. We all talked about it and realised it’s a great metaphor for life, society, economies, relationships, and it hits home. The reason we went with ‘God’ was because we wanted to go with an archetype that everyone would relate to that was the most epic.”

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