Thursday, January 20, 2011

Social Life= GONE

Finally started up classes today and so far so good. Radio class is gonna let me make my own radio show and see how it actually works so ill probably play actual music instead of whatever 90.5 plays. My hours at work are ridiculous now, i work everyday. Besides that my time in the studio has been paying off, instead of planning on two new songs, Cities&Years actually came out with three new ones. Hopefully going to get into recording a full length within the next few months after school tapers off. I'm so happy i have a friend for my Thursdays that i'm school so i don't waste away 2 hours of my life sitting around. Anna is seriously the sweetest girl i know, she may be creeped out how happy i actually am happy to have her in my life but its all good. Other people need to learn to stop stressing out and assuming things when they aren't true. We all know people love drama but they don't need to drag it around with them. Between school, practice, and work i may never have anytime to actually hang out...but i will make an effort. Just some of my friends are becoming lowlifes, stealing girlfriends and make no effort toward a future. Those are the one i don't want to be associated with. When i have free time i actually want to spend it with the people i love, cause they are the only ones that matter. Enjoy life, you live it.

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